Rumi Would Have Laughed

Wild Dreams

I used to have a regular soul Lived my tidy life Crisp white…
Mystical Love Poetry: Not The Laughing Corpse

Mystical Love Poetry: Not The Laughing Corpse!

Is it Armageddon? Or simply milk cows coming home? Tis the…
Energy Healing-Magnetize

Magnetize Abundance Into Your Life With Energy Healing

Our souls are limitless. You are a truly infinite being. You…
Spiritual Counseling-Recognizing Your Path

Recognizing Your Path Through Spiritual Counseling

Maybe you have read multiple self-help books on personal mastery…
Spiritual Counseling-Develop Your Best Relationship

Using Spiritual Counseling to Develop Your Best Relationship— With Yourself

I have had the incredible opportunity to experience times of…
Mystical Love Poetry-I Hurried Home

Mystical Love Poetry: I Hurried Home

I hurried home Preparing tea For the visit With the Master In…
Spiritual Counseling-Cultivate Peace

Cultivate Peace Through Spiritual Counseling

Peace and Harmony are universal human desires. But they can be…
Unhealthy Emotional Ties and Energy Healing

Unhealthy Emotional Ties and Energy Healing

Many of us have experienced the deep, heart-wrenching sadness…
Energy Healing-Forgiveness

Forgiveness and Healing Past Relationships With Energy Healing

Even the best of us struggle sometimes to forgive those that…
Mystical Love Poetry-The Donkey

Mystical Love Poetry: The Donkey?

The donkey was left at the border The burdens were riches in…
Energy Healing-Breaking Down Walls

Breaking Down Walls With Energy Healing

As humans, we are incredibly talented at building. Sometimes…
Energy Healing-Feeling Sick

Always Sick? Energy Healing May Help

A couple of years ago, I had a client who was regularly getting…