Seeking Meaning

Seeking Meaning? Boulder Spiritual Counseling

At some point, whether as a result of tragedy or malaise, many…
Spiritual Counseling-Authenticity

Becoming Your Authentic Self Through Spiritual Counseling

Authenticity, and living an authentic life have become so popular…

Energy Healing For Your Many Spiritual Bodies

You are not simply your physical body, as many people believe.…

Money and Energy Healing in Fort Collins

Money is the root of all evil. You have to work hard to…
spiritual quest

Fort Collins Spiritual Counseling: The Beggar’s Quest

The beggars act of begging Is the beggars search All souls…
spiritual love

Mystical Love Poetry: It’s all about the loving.

My poetry is all about the loving and a continual spiritual prayer…
masculine energy

Boulder Spiritual Counseling, Masculine Energy

Growing up a male in this world is ever more complicated as gender…

Noetic Aura Balancing Energy Healing In Boulder

What types of things might get stuck in your aura causing…
energy healing

Colorado Energy Healing: Noetic Aura Balancing

I've been a Noetic Aura Balancing Energy Healer since the 1970's.…
mystical love poetry

Mystical Love Poetry: Back Home

  I began my “career” as a poet when I was a teenager.…
spiritual counseling

Spiritual Counseling Colorado; What You’re Doing Now

What you're doing now got you where you are today. Let that…
spiritual counseling

Spiritual Counseling for Spiritual Beings

Spiritual Counseling for Spiritual Beings Whether it's…