Energy Healing-Hands On

What Happens in a Noetic Aura Balancing Energy Healing Session in Colorado?

Energy Healing-Hands OnWhat Happens in a Noetic Aura Balancing Energy Healing Session?

Noetic Aura Balancing Energy Healing is a hands-on energy healing modality.

The physical space is set up similar to what you might experience in a massage. However you will remain clothed.

Hands-on healing dates back to the ancient world, back when people understood that they were more than just their mind or their bodies.

I always start a session with a prayer, asking Mother and Father God and any pertinent angels or spiritual guides to assist us in our energy healing work.

Because the client is trusting me to hold the sacred space while they open their energetic morphic fields and energy bodies—especially their delicate and beautiful heart—I always speak protection over the client.

I then energetically scan their body and ask God and the client’s High Self and soul what work needs to be done during that session. Most of our work together is intuitive and guided by God.

The session can use many different rituals depending on the client’s needs.

Forgiveness practices are often a critical part of the process. Many people are “holding on” to things they can only let go of through forgiveness. This part of the process can be verbal and people experience a great energetic release when expressing their forgiveness out loud. This is not necessarily a forgiveness of another person, but generally a forgiveness of one’s self and one’s misunderstanding about God.

The first session, a complete Noetic Balancing, can take up to two hours. Generally after that it’s about one hour per session.

Post-session there is a critical abstinence practice for at least three days.

Clients are strongly encouraged not to drink alcohol, use any form of mind-altering substances, eat only organic clean foods and abstain from sex.

This is because your energetic field is very open after a session and you are vulnerable to outside energies. The aura is like jello, it needs time to set, time to establish itself in the new matrix that has come forward.

Every session is unique and each client experiences great release from one. For best results, however, a healing package combining spiritual counseling and energy healing is recommended.

I am always here for you,

Love & Light.


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