Soul Awareness

Spiritual Counseling in Boulder and the Mental Realm

Soul AwarenessAs we’re moving towards soul-awareness the mental realm and its corresponding mental body is the hardest to detach from. This is because it is so convincing about what our “reality” is. The mental body is concerned with the Earth-present reality.

Contrary to what many spiritual teachers insist, the mind never stops. Once it turns on, it never stops. Even when you’re sleeping the mind is running. Any attempt to turn it off is utterly futile. Ultimately many spiritual teachers aren’t able to help someone because they want the person to turn off the mind, in order to move past it and get to other realms. This doesn’t work.

You have to give the mind something to do. You have to learn to use the mind for your advantage and upliftment by giving it uplifting things to focus on and do. You have to figure out how to use it to make things work for you, you have to give it assignments that get you where you want to go and that support your spiritual expansion and loving.

If you don’t give it something to do it will make stuff up and it will start thinking about all the things that aren’t working in your life.

Spiritual counseling in Boulder is great for mind-training and finding very positive and advantageous assignments for your mind, so that you can move beyond the mind and achieve more presence and expansion.

I am always here for you,

Love & Light.


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