Spiritual Counseling-Meaningful Relationships

Spiritual Counseling for Deep and Meaningful Relationships

Spiritual Counseling-Meaningful RelationshipsMany of us feel that deep soul craving for a meaningful, lasting relationship. Most of us are familiar with the idea of a soul mate, that partner who comes into our soul’s path to help us to gain perspective and achieve deeper self-realization in our lives. That process begins with a deep, intimate, open, and honest relationship with ourselves.

As a spiritual counselor, I will help you build deep relationships with yourself and practice communication and intimacy starting at a soul level. I will teach you how to recognize your three selves: your Conscious Self, your Basic Self (some traditions recognize this as the Inner Child), and your Higher Self. As I teach you the process of communicating with your Higher Self to access its perspective and infinite information, you can start taking that soul deep intimacy and communication out into the world in all of your relationships.

This gives you the tools to build lasting friendships, stronger family ties, and deep intimacy with your romantic partner. I know that this isn’t something that we are all born with. As a teenager I struggled frequently with questions about spirituality, about who I was in the world, and about what life was really all about. I read books from many traditions, and studied as much as I could to find a framework for how to function as spiritual beings in the world around us. I spent decades going through my own self work and navigating my own soul journey, and I have picked up many tools for navigating through that process along the way. These tools have helped me to build beautiful relationships in my own life, and I would love to share those gifts with you in yours. I’m here for you always.

I am always available to you, win@winstonhampton.com.

Love & Light,


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