Spiritual Counselor-Questions

Questions are the Answer; Colorado Spiritual Counselor

Spiritual Counselor-QuestionsIf you are a seeker then know this: the answer lies in the question. Always.

I have been a spiritual counselor for many years and I have seen many people searching, questing for the answer.

The answer, they believe, is going to give them something. A sense of belonging, connection or peace. A sense of safety and security. A sense of being anchored in the divine.

But, the answer always lies within your own self. And it’s not in the answer, it’s in the question.

It’s not a paradox. It’s simple. Beautifully simple.

The answer stops all seeking.

The seeker always learns and grows when questioning.

A Colorado spiritual counselor can help you learn to stay in the question.

I am always here for you, win@winstonhampton.com.


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