Mystical Love Poetry-the Light

Mystical Love Poetry, the Light

Mystical Love Poetry-the LightThe Light. We seek the light, it’s our inherent right as humans. To seek the Light and Love of God. There are so many wonderful ways to seek the Light, to bask in the Light, to soak up the Light.

One of my favorite ways is mystical love poetry. I read and write it for the singular pleasure of getting a glimpse of the Light. You can find the Light in a multitude of places from holding someone’s hand to gazing at a painting, to reading a poem.

I hope my readers get a glimpse of the light when they read my work.



Butterfly Eden

 As I turn and see Your eyes

I tumble into a loving

Where fragrant flowers bloom

And millions of butterflies

Cover me

Rumi Would Have Laughed  

I am always here for you,

Love & Light.


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