spiritual love

Mystical Love Poetry: It’s all about the loving.

spiritual loveMy poetry is all about the loving and a continual spiritual prayer of loving.

May loving be above me,
may loving be below me,
loving to my right,
loving to my left,
loving behind me,
may I see with eyes of loving,
may I speak kind words,
may I touch with a loving touch.

Rumi Would Have Laughed

I love it when I get to experience the loving between myself and my readers of Rumi Would Have Laughed. A poet is only half of the equation of loving. The reader is the essential lover. My mystical love poetry is about loving God, loving the other. It’s a love letter. To God, to the Reader. From the Reader to God.
I am always here for you, win@winstonhampton.com.

Love & Light,


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