Love Poetry-A Steamy Affair with God

Love Poetry, A Steamy Affair with God

Love Poetry-A Steamy Affair with GodMy love poetry can be read in a variety of ways. My muse has often been a lover, but it is also written as a love letter to God. My love affair with God has been a consuming passion for me since I was a young teenager. Each love affair I’ve had with a woman has been a reflection of the love affair I’m having with the infinite divine, indeed the love affair I’m having with my own soul. For me, the spiritual journey is all about the loving.


I Long For Your Embrace

My heart blossoms

In your fertile soil

Your kiss inflames me

A mystery beyond knowing


Flames consume me

This burning rod

Glowing white hot

Penetrates me


My heart blossoms

In your fertile soil

Your kiss inflames me

A mystery beyond knowing


Flames consume me

This burning rod

Glowing white hot

Penetrates me

Published in Rumi Would have Laughed.

I am always here for you,

Love & Light.


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