
Love. Love. Love. Spiritual Counseling in Colorado

heartEverything is about Love and the great, universal Loving. The expression of our own selves is a reflection of God’s own self. The love you experience as you stand over your sleeping child and you desperately want to grasp the moment and hold on so you don’t lose it is an expression of the love God has for you. The embrace of your lover in the middle of the night as you transition into the Dreamscape is a reflection of the lover God.

We are lovers. All of us. Our inherent natural state is in the loving, is the love. We are love. We are meant to feel swells of emotion in our interaction with others.

I Love therefore I am.

If you’re having trouble feeling the love, and so many people do, because it is a brave and bold risk to open so completely to love, spiritual counseling in Colorado can help you find the love you’re looking for. Love is the hard drive for the Curriculum of the Soul.

I am always here for you, win@winstonhampton.com.

Love & Light.


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