
Joy and Spiritual Counseling in Colorado

JoySometimes people find there is something worse than trauma or pain. Malaise. A general lack of joy, a flatness, a loss of zest, a lack of enthusiasm.

Do you find the world flat?

This can be alarming and very painful for people to experience. Where they once loved their spouse, their job and their children they now feel only emptiness and meaninglessness.

This might be a protective response following a trauma or a major change. Perhaps a change in career or a life purpose is asserting itself by making your current one feel less fulfilling.

More. It’s a longing for more and not knowing how to get it that stalls people out. That’s where spiritual counseling in Colorado can come in and help you find your way to joy. Through this healing modality we can explore the calling deep within. And you can develop the skills you need to answer said calling.

I am always here for you,

Love & Light.


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