Spiritual Counseling-Forgiveness

John Roger: Spiritual Counselor Dreamscape Teacher

Dreamscape TeacherMy personal spiritual counselor, John Roger, was the founder and leader of an organization based in Los Angeles called the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA).

Many of my soul expansion skills I learned from John Roger, which happened in the sleeping realms. In fact, this is where I originally met him, in a dream. Only a month or two later did I realize he was a living spiritual teacher with an active organization.

This was a very experiential learning which happened primarily in my sleep or dreamscape. We often “travel” and do growth work on the spiritual realm in our sleeping time, they appear as dreams. But they are more real than our waking experience with our personality Basic Selves.

I would meet him in my sleep and he would say, “okay, here are the levels and here’s how they work and here’s how you travel through them and what you do is get into your soul so that you can have soul awareness and get into your vantage point,” and that’s when things would really start to make sense.

The more I learned from John Roger the more my journey was like a being on a golden path walking through it and staying in balance and being a loving consciousness.

More on my sleeping consciousness in blogs to come.

I am always here for you, win@winstonhampton.com.

Love & Light.


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