Energy Healing-Forgiveness

Forgiveness and Boulder Energy Healing

Energy Healing-ForgivenessIn my Noetic Aura Balancing Boulder energy healing work we put a great deal of focus on Forgiveness work. Nothing is a toxic as unforgiveness. It festers and poisons the person who can’t find a way to let go.

Often the problem is that the person can’t perceive things correctly with the energy of unforgiveness within them. They can’t perceive that all things are as they should be. That every outcome is the perfect one.

The unforgiveness colors their lenses and muddies their feelings. They can’t clearly let go because they can’t clearly see what they are holding onto.

A Course in Miracles states that all disease comes from a state of unforgiveness.

If you forgave the world for being imperfect what could you heal?
If you forgave yourself for being flawed what could you heal?
If you forgave your lover, your children, you parents, your friends for being human what could you heal?

And once you healed all that, would you be shocked to learn that it’s all perfect?

I am always here for you,


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