Spiritual Counseling

Estes Park Spiritual Counseling: How Do You Know You’re Having an Awakening?

Spiritual CounselingWhen you begin to suspect that there is something greater than yourself it might be triggered by an event in your life.

Have you ever noticed that many “Hero’s Journeys” begin with a traumatic or “turning point” event. People report being “driven to their knees” and they are forced to question everything they believed to be true.

This “triggering” event might come in the form of a parent’s death, the loss of a job, a divorce, a health issue or accident, or a collective traumatic event such as 9/11.

It doesn’t have to be traumatic, you might simply experience an emptiness or a longing to be more present in your life, or to thirst for a deeper understanding of the Universe and God.  

Some people might have a mystical or spiritual experience. They might see a vision, or witness a healing or experience something they believed was impossible.

God uses many, many ways to wake people up to their own spiritual beingness.

If you think you’re having a spiritual awakening—then you are.

If you don’t know whether it’s a spiritual awakening—it is.

Questioning and doubting and diving into the light can feel like “too much.” Spiritual awakenings can be overwhelming, which is why Estes Park spiritual counseling is so helpful.

I am always here for you, win@winstonhampton.com.

Love & Light.


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