Practical Spirituality

Estes Park Spiritual Counseling and Practical Spirituality

Practical SpiritualityIn my Estes Park spiritual counseling work it is not exclusively in spirit. My teacher John Roger figured out at the beginning of his own ministry that when people remain exclusively about the spiritual realms they become ungrounded and have a difficult time functioning in practical ways. He found that a more practical approach helped people hold jobs, pay bills and experience better relationships.  

You are a physical earthly being and you must be able to function in society and culture. Remaining in spiritual realms all the time is not the point of this incarnation. You did incarnate into a physical person because that’s a choice you made on a soul level.

Which is why we put focus on practical spirituality. What does that mean? Well, we use your outer world to energetically heal what’s going on in your inner world.

Let’s put it this way, if you’re experiencing relationship problems with your children, for instance, we use that experience and working on ways to make it better to look at what’s behind it and heal that on a spiritual level.

If you’re experiencing health problems or illness, we look at that physical human experience as a symptom of your spiritual state and we address both issues to achieve lasting relief.

Let’s face it, you are in human form, and have need for money, social skills and healthy lifestyle habits. We’re going to work on those things in spiritual counseling combined with energy healing for the best outcome.

I am always here for you,

Love & Light.


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