Energy Healing says: We Are Spiritual Beings Having A Human Experience

Noetic Field Therapy (NFT) is an Energy Medicine approach that prompts Energy Healing.  NFT fully recognizes and engages our spiritual nature. It initiates healing and balancing of our issues and challenges physically, emotionally and mentally through our energy anatomy. Blocks, challenges and issues are viewed as opportunities that can open our awareness to call forward our Divine Self. The very thing that is blocking us as issue, dis-ease or discomfort, is the thing that can free us to see more clearly and live in greater fulfillment. The energy healing of Noetic Balancing orients us to our spiritual nature thus opening the way to healing and balancing at deep and fundamental levels.

Noetic Balancing Energy Healing

Noetic Field Therapy is a holistic approach, that is, it looks at the whole person; physical, imagination, emotions, mind and Spirit. Noetic Balancing is an Energy Medicine modality that promotes energy healing. Noetic Balancing approaches consciousness energetically.  From an energetic perspective, our consciousness is based on an holistic energetic eco-system of varying frequency energy bodies, levels and organs.  One of the great values of Noetic Balancing is that this approach naturally transcends the mental level (ego) “story”. Subconscious or unconscious material is prompted and brought to conscious awareness. Noetic Balancing sees beyond the symptoms to reveal the source of the block, dis-ease or issue that you are dealing with in your life. I observe the psychological issues or blocks in consciousness as energetic constructs. I align with the Highest Good for energy healing. As I attune to your individual noetic auric field and invoke higher frequency radiant energies, energy healing takes place in the various layers of the aura; the physical, astral, causal, mental and etheric bodies resulting in the clearing and transformation of the presenting issue.

Energy Healing is a Holistic Way To Take Care Of Your Health

Most of us are aware of how to take care of our physical body. We can see that how we eat, exercise and sleep, and what we take into our bodies can have a direct effect on our health. We have some awareness of cause and effect. Yet, we are so much more than our physical bodies.

We are spiritual energetic beings. We are creative beings. Our noetic nature includes all our thoughts, feelings, fantasies, beliefs and judgments as well as our physical body. Our individual noetic nature is nested within a greater environmental field. Did you know that beliefs and judgments we form remain stored in our aura? How many of us have trauma from the past that is running us now? Do you know the source of your anxiety, your depression?

The holistic energy healing of Noetic Balancing and Spiritual Counseling clear and balance us on all levels, physical, emotional and mental. The stuckness of past trauma may be revealed, opened and completed. The energetic and spiritual orientation of Noetic Field Therapy directly supports and aligns with our Life Path purpose.

Noetic Field Therapy Awakens Accountability

As spiritual beings we are accountable for all that we create. Each time we have a thought, a fantasy, or pass judgment or form a belief, our creative ability is at work. Learning to claim our accountability self-empowers us. If we created it, we can dissolve it. In the Spiritual counseling and Noetic Balancing work I do, one of the things I teach is accountability. As the causes and sources of issues and challenges are revealed, I educate you how to access your inner resources to perceive the fundamental causes of your issues, to dissolve the blocks getting in your way, to change and transform yourself. Create your life the way you truly want it to be. Go for the highest and best, and realize your dreams!

What Are The Benefits Of Noetic Balancing?

There is a method called Microscopic Steps based on the idea that if you shoot a rocket at Mars, as the rocket zooms away, course-corrections take place in very slight degrees. Yet, these slight degrees of course- correction end up getting that teeny weeny rocket on target so it actually goes to its intended destination. Often, spiritual effects are subtle. Healing and balancing from a Noetic Balancing can be subtle at times (sometimes not subtle at all), and yet overall results can be powerfully life changing. The energy healing of Noetic Balancing may result in:

      • Expanded sense of well-being
      • Balancing and clearing physical disturbance
      • Increased sense of being on-purpose in your Life Path
      • Clarity, balance, stability and peacefulness emotionally
      • Expanded perceptual awareness of yourself on all levels
      • A deeper experience of relaxation
      • Resolution of issues and challenges at the root source
      • A reduction in feelings of imbalance, anxiety or stress
      • Increased sense of confidence and worthiness
      • Awakening to your Authentic Self with greater joy and enthusiasm

Energy Medicine, Noetic Field Therapy and Marijuana

Noetic Balancing is an excellent and effective Energy Medicine for clearing drug residue and repairing damage to the consciousness from psychotropic drug use.

There are two primary effects that marijuana (THC) has on the individual noetic field or aura. First, the euphoric mood-altering effect of THC energetically happens because of damage to the energetic membranes and structures in our energy anatomy. The drug frequency and energetic puncturing and tearing result in mixing and pooling of energies. This results in a stasis or numbing, in primarily, the emotional body. (Emotions are -energy in motion.) This appears as a greyish, dirty clouding or fog in the layers of the aura. As the causal body or emotional body fills up with this clouded, mis-placed energy it slows and blocks the natural, normal flow of the emotions. This is experienced as euphoria; don’t worry be happy. This effect blocks normal emotional processing through the consciousness and delays growth and maturity. Many recreational marijuana users directly want to block the emotional flow and replace it with the feeling of euphoria.

Secondly, the frequency of marijuana, along with the stasis caused by the leakage and pooling of energy, blocks the flow of spiritual Light (higher frequency radiant energy) into the consciousness. Marijuana interferes with spiritual awakening. These effects take place in the ‘illusion field’ created by the marijuana frequency in the consciousness which synergistically exaggerates the effects. These effects of marijuana typically block the depth of effectiveness available in Spiritual Counseling and Noetic Balancing.

What does a Noetic Balancing session look like?

Sessions are suggested in sets of three, spacing them two weeks or more apart. The first session is 1 1/2 hours as there is some intake involved. Sessions are typically 1 hour long.

The client lies on a massage table fully clothed. Working with a pendulum to increase sensitivity to the energy, we proceed. We do an invocation, open the aura at the solar plexus and begin balancing the aura. We balance the physical aura and then the emotional aura silently. Then we move to the mental-spiritual level where I ask questions to prompt the consciousness. This part of the balancing involves prompting awareness to access material out of the subconscious to disclose the source of blocks and issues. Tracking of issues, past life material, Life Path awareness, Time Angel, and various other keys may be used to promote healing and access awareness.

Self Forgiveness is taught and used as a primary key to unlock energy constructs such as judgments and beliefs from the past to facilitate clearing and balancing. Noetic Balancing is non-inflictive and self empowering. Noetic Balancing is educational. At the end of the session the aura is closed and a protective layer of Light is placed.

It is strongly suggested to avoid sex, drugs and alcohol for three days after the balancing to allow the changes that are in motion to complete for the best result. After the initial three balancings, some folks like to get one for general clearing and balancing once a year. Others who are working on specific awareness or healing may return each month for a while. Its up to you.