Spiritual Counseling-Intuition

Developing Your Intuition Through Spiritual Counseling

Spiritual Counseling-IntuitionOne of the things that I hear most often from new clients is they express a desire to live a more authentic life and to get more in touch with who they really are. A huge piece of this is develop-ing our intuition and getting through the noise that we carry around with us in our world and that we have collected through our lives. In the Hindu tradition, we come into this life with our souls surrounded by sheaths that we have to progress through in order to get to our soul’s truth. Our souls are all here to collect experiences and it is my job through spiritual counseling to help cli-ents get back into communication with their true selves by showing you the path through your sheaths.

There are three basic selves that we each carry around with us. We have the Conscious Self, which is who we recognize ourselves to be, the Basic Self, which many people refer to as the Inner Child, and the Higher Self. As I help you progress along your path, I will help you learn how to get back into open communication with your High Self through deepening your relation-ship with your Basic Self or Inner Child. This communication is what many know as intuition. Your High Self has an incredible perspective over your life and your soul’s journey, that you can’t see within your Conscious Self. It is like your High Self is up on a mountain top, looking out over the plain of your soul. As I teach you to deepen your relationships within yourself with your three selves, you can gain access to the intuition and knowledge of your High Self.

I am always available to you, win@winstonhampton.com.

Love & Light,


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