Energy Healing

Complementary Energy Healing Modalities: Colorado Energy Healing and Spiritual Counseling

Energy HealingI hold masters degrees in both counseling and spiritual science, as well as a certification in the energy healing modality, Noetic Aura Balancing. What I know is that one energy healing modality or spiritual counseling method usually leaves a piece of the whole person unhealed. This is not always true, of course.

But, in my work as a spiritual counselor and an energy healer I find that a combination of both is critical in treating the whole person. The whole person consists of a person’s spiritual body, physical body and mental body. There are others, but let’s focus here for a minute.

Spiritual counseling is wonderful for addressing the physical manifestation of spiritual issues. With counseling we can focus on Earth time issues such as a problem with addiction, bad habits, communication problems, conflict, relationship issues and surface limiting beliefs.

However, spiritual energy healing is primarily non-verbal. Most times people don’t really know what’s underneath the problem they are facing. It’s a spiritual growth issue, but they only try to treat the habit or external problem. Going into the energy field I can tap into the undercurrent of what’s really going on without having to confront the Ego’s manipulation of the mind.

This is why I find a combination of Colorado energy healing and spiritual counseling to be most effective for long-term change and spiritual growth.

I am always here for you,

Love & Light.


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