Spiritual Path

Colorado Spiritual Counseling: Addiction and Going Deeper

Spiritual PathI disclosed before that my spiritual path began with experimental drug use as a way to spiritually expand.

Like many, what started as an authentic desire to expand transformed into a prison of addiction. My addiction too was a critical part of my spiritual journey.

My spiritual experience had become dependent on drugs. I was only able to feel the loving and expansion of God and the Universe through substances. But, addiction comes with other side effects, as well. I lost interest in school and dropped out. And I left the home of my parents at a far too early age.

My quest for spiritual expansion became a danger to my physical being.

“I’ve got to figure out how to do this without substances,” I realized.

Thus began an even deeper quest for my true loving self, my spiritual self and a greater knowing of God. My own spiritual path informs the Colorado spiritual counseling I offer clients.

I am always here for you, win@winstonhampton.com.

Love & Light.


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