Energy Healing-Breaking Down Walls

Breaking Down Walls With Energy Healing

Energy Healing-Breaking Down WallsAs humans, we are incredibly talented at building. Sometimes we use this energy to build incredible inventions or monuments. Human ingenuity has contributed amazing architectural achievements, technological advancements, and works of art and of poetry that can sink our hearts with despair or lift them up with hope and fill them with joy.

There are times where we use this natural creative energy in our lives in ways that aren’t supportive. We limit ourselves based upon what others tell us that we are capable of, or what we “should” or “should not” love in our lives. We define ourselves by our upbringing, our friends, or our circumstances. We forget that we are the authors of our own lives.

There are also times when we build walls around the things that have hurt us. Maybe we have cut off pieces of ourselves that we used to love in an effort to fit in with what we believe we “should” be. I have seen clients compartmentalize whole time frames of their lives in an effort to not feel the pain of past events. Maybe you have gone through deep trauma, or disappointment, or loss, and you built walls around those moments to try to protect yourself only to find that now you keep running into the same obstacles.

It can be hard for us to leave some of these moments and events behind us, especially if we have built up subconscious energetic attachments to them. Sometimes we see this coming up in our relationships, where the same situations seem to repeat themselves over and over again with the ones that are closest to us. Or maybe it is more general, and we keep finding ourselves experiencing moments of deep loss, or paralyzing pain, or crippling fear for non-specific reasons. If these situations continue, you may start to feel like you are battling a nameless shapeless foe to regain control of your life. This is when an experienced energy healer can step in and help you unwind these energetic attachments that may be binding you up and tying you down. If you are ready to break past the walls of the past and move forward in your life, then please contact me at I am here for you always.

Love & Light,


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