Boulder Energy Healer

Boulder Energy Healer, Noetic Aura Balancing

Boulder Energy HealerFrom the early 1980’s I have been one of the principle practitioners of Noetic Aura Balancing. As a Boulder energy healer I have been actively enhancing and educating myself for the last 40 years.

I’ve pursued my gift and my own spiritual expansion with a thirst: a thirst to know more and to help as many people as I can achieve their own spiritual divine destiny.

I have delved into my own Curriculum of the Soul and I now give back to the Universe by helping other seekers with their own Curriculum of the Soul.

Each person comes here with a syllabus for their own curriculum. My energy healing helps you nonverbally, energetically learn what your own Soul has planned for this lifetime.

What have you come here to learn?

I am always here for you,


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