~ EWill, Amazon Review

I love this book of poetry and bought three more to give as gifts…there is elegance and simplicity in the poems that speak of love, God and the unfolding of these in life’s journey… a true mystic poet in that beneath the sensual words there was complexity that captured my attention, and left me exploring the deeper meanings of love, life and God. It has been awhile since I have found such a gem in poetry books.

~T.S. Amazon Review

Reading this book made me want to dive into the Divine, have tea with the Creator and laugh heartily with God. What a lovely book of poetry. True. Love expanded.

Book Description

Winston Hampton’s inaugural book of poetry exposes a profound love affair between himself and the Divine. The reader finds their own soul’s heart echoing his spiritual devotion, both sensual and sublime, “awake beloved!” The poems proclaim a mystery we all long for, “celebrate love!” Hampton’s words penetrate our minds and hearts, “let go your small cares!” The poems distill the essence of Spirit, the Sacred is revealed and somehow … we are the revelation.

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