IMG_4402 - Version 2I’m Win Hampton, a Spiritual CounselorNoetic Balancing Energy Worker and a Mystical Love Poet.

I have dedicated my life to spiritual practice and study. I hold a masters degree in counseling from Southwestern College of Life Sciences and a master of spiritual science from Peace Theological Seminary. For many years I worked as a marriage and family therapist. I am certified and trained in Noetic Aura Balancing Energy Work. I am the founder of the Association of Noetic Practitioners. I have been practicing this revolutionary form of energy work since 1979.

Though I’ve been writing mystical love poetry since my teenage years I’ve recently had my first book, Rumi Would Have Laughed published by Sioux Ink Publishing. 

I work with people who are experiencing problems with their health, money or relationships. Underlying all of our problems is a spiritual cause. If you’re experiencing health problems it’s a physical manifestation of an underlying spiritual issue. If you’re broke and having money problems that too is a physical manifestation of a spiritual issue. If your relationships have a history of falling apart or being rife with conflict and dissatisfaction there is a spiritual issue interfering with your ability to connect and be intimate with others.

Through spiritual counseling we go deeper than our outward problems and work on the spiritual cause, thus creating lasting and permanent change.

Our health improves and we experience a renewed sense of vitality. Our relationships improve and we experience deeper intimacy and more loving communication. We obtain more money and/or job satisfaction as we work out our sense of lack and poverty consciousness.

Because many of our underlying spiritual issues are so deep they are only expressed energetically, I do Noetic Balancing Energy Healing with my clients as a complementary modality. This is very specialized energy work that you won’t find with other spiritual counselors or therapists. Through this type of work we can clear out old stuck energy, clear karma and get deep enough to deal with unnameable traumas. I find that working with spiritual counseling and energy healing together achieves the best, most lasting results for my clients.

I went to college in Tokyo, Japan. I eventually completed my B.A., M.A. and M.S.S. at Louisiana State University, University of New Mexico, Southwestern College, Westfield State University and Peace Theological Seminary. I am now in my second year of a doctoral program at Peace Theological Seminary.

I have had several professions, working as a drug dealer, a deck hand on Louisiana riverboats and barges, a construction laborer, a camp counselor and as a rough neck in the oil fields. I have built custom homes as a contractor and owned multiple companies. I have been a licensed counselor, a parenting educator and a wellness center manager. It’s my life experience that makes me highly effective at helping others make practical changes in their lives.

Spiritual study and the exploration of consciousness continues to drive me. I continue my education in the area of self-growth, metaphysics, psychology, yoga, sexuality, consciousness training, communication, relationship, meditation and spirituality.

I was born in Phoenix and have traveled the world, first with my parents as my father was in the International oil trade as a geologist. I was driven to spiritual self-discovery from a young age. Living in New Orleans at the time, at the age of 13 I asked my parents, friends and the minister at church “Who am I? Who are we? What are we doing here?” Those questions have driven me throughout my life. I have discovered that who I am—and who you are—is love.

At 14 I had my first inner awakening and began writing mystical love poetry. Over the next couple of years I experienced becoming aware of myself as an eternal being, aware of past lives, and aware of being a spiritual traveler. I began my study of the Bible, the Bhagavad Gita, the Tao and other sacred literature.

Leaving home at age 16, I dropped out of school and got involved in drugs. Drugs were one of my first gateways into the spiritual realm. Eventually, on my knees from addiction, I realized I had to learn to reach the spiritual realms in more productive and healthy ways.

I’ve been married twice, raising five children, four biological.

I practice Shabd Yoga—Soul Transcendence—the practice of listening and following the audible life stream. This ancient practice is a verbal tradition and is one that a number of Sufis and other spiritual adherents have practiced through the ages. I take time each day to sit and go inside doing spiritual exercises.

My poetry surges through me as inspiration, life experience flowing through me.

I now live in a little cabin in the Colorado Rocky Mountains near my parents. In addition to my spiritual counseling and energy healing work I my spend time outdoors, hiking, climbing and biking.