Spiritual Counseling-Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose in Life Through Spiritual Counseling

Spiritual Counseling-Finding Your PurposeWe all carry infinite potential within us. We know that we have this incredible, boundless, beautiful energy within us that can propel us forward and help us to accomplish beautiful things during our time here. For some of this, this means building a beautiful family and investing in strong relationships and ties. Some of you are called in a different direction. You know that you have a book within you. Or an idea. You have a contribution to society that you feel deeply compelled to share with the world around you and you just aren’t quite sure where to begin. Maybe you are scared of letting go of the life you have lived to build a new one.

I have been in that place. I know how terrifying it can be to rebuild a life. I have lived so many different lives within my lifetime, and all of them have been beautiful growing experiences. Sometimes we choose to create a new life, and sometimes it seems to be thrust upon us. I felt that way when I was rebuilding myself and my family after divorce. It can be overwhelming, and energy draining to feel like you’re even surviving, let alone building something new.

If you feel like you are stuck in survival mode and just can’t seem to get past that tipping point to living a life of beauty and abundance, then it may be time to reach out to an experienced spiritual counselor for support and guidance. Or maybe you have been living a comfortable life, but you worry that it’s beginning to get too comfortable. You worry about birthing your book, your idea, your contribution out into the world and you just aren’t sure of how to let go of your attachments and step into the unknown of a new, bigger life. This is the optimum time to lean in to the support and guidance of an experienced facilitator. Let me help you build your best life yet.

I am always available to you, win@winstonhampton.com.

Love & Light,


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