Spiritual Counseling-Feeling Satisfied

Feeling Satisfied in Life through Spiritual Counseling

Spiritual Counseling-Feeling SatisfiedWe never really let go of the wanting. No matter how much we have achieved, as human beings a piece of us is constantly seeking out more than what we currently have. Some traditions refer to this as the Ego. We have within us many different layers, which bring us some of the complexity and depth that we experience in our lives. In the Hindu tradition, they believe that we are born into this life with our true soul wrapped in the layers of our other bodies. These other bodies include our emotions, our consciousness, our subconscious thought patterns, and our energy.

As we progress in our Soul’s Curriculum, and start gaining awareness of these layers, we can start making the choice to live out our lives from our souls rather than from these layers. We can start shedding these pieces of ourselves that cover up our true nature, and our true brilliance. If you feel like you need to access more of your true energy and vibrancy, then you may benefit from meeting with an experienced spiritual counselor. Through my studies for my Masters degrees in Spiritual Science, Transformational Counseling, and my further studies in spirituality and energy healing, I have the perspective and experience to help you move forward in life.

I remember how there was a time in my life where I felt like I kept working on the same lessons, and felt stuck in the same place. I had been going through the process of learning more about myself as a spiritual being, and had actively been doing my inner work for years before this under the guidance of my teacher John Roger. I wasn’t a novice to the work, the process, or the tools. And I stayed in this part of the process for almost seven years while I worked through shedding some of my old habits and thought patterns. It was during this time that I was exceptionally grateful for the guidance of my teacher and mentor. I know that he helped me tremendously through that process, and I learned tools and lessons that I was able to take with me throughout the rest of my life. Sometimes we can all use a little guidance to help us get to the next level. I am here for you always.

I am always available to you, win@winstonhampton.com.

Love & Light,


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