Spiritual Counseling-Man

Embracing Your Full Strength As A Man Through Spiritual Counseling

Spiritual Counseling-ManMen are such powerful creatures in our world. While every bit equal to women, their strength and energy is completely different. I am very fortunate to have gone through my own spiritual growth and development as a man with the guidance and fellowship of people who supported me in my masculinity. I know that this is not always the case. Too often I see men who seem to think that being spiritual somehow means having to be effeminate.

Women are beautiful, and strong, and have a deep internal tie to spirit. Men are no less strong, and no less beautiful. Being a man in a compassionate relationship with the world around him, means leading, not controlling. It means being responsive, but not overly sensitive. You can be strong as a man and still have a deep and intimate relationship with spirit, your spiritual traditions, and with your own soul.

I have been walking the path of holding my male strength and my spirituality for over thirty years. I know how to build and maintain that balance, and how to embrace my spirituality while basking in my male essence. I have also learned how to share that male strength and spirituality with my wife and partner. I know that she benefits from the strength, protection, support, and receptivity that I consciously seek to offer her.

If you would like to learn more about how to incorporate the male strength that was divinely endowed to you with your spirituality, then you can benefit from the guidance of an experienced spiritual counselor. It would be an honor to walk that path with you as a fellow spiritual warrior.

I am always available to you, win@winstonhampton.com.

Love & Light,


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