Spiritual Counseling-Process

The Process of Spiritual Counseling

Spiritual Counseling-ProcessSpiritual counseling is an in-depth process. As we age and mature, we naturally start to shed some of the artificial layers that get superimposed on us as a part of life. We start learning who and what we are, what we are passionate about, and what our thoughts and feelings are. Some of us are more adept at this than others. And some of us have situations come up which may prevent us from going through this process with ease and grace.

When you begin working with an experienced spiritual counselor, you will start recognizing some of the patterns and habits that you have carried around with you through your life. You may start to recognize your patterns in relationships, or blocks that have prevented you from finding deep and meaningful connections with the people who are most important to you in your life. You may start to see where unconscious fears, limitations, anxieties, or thoughts have prevented you from reaching out into the world to do what you feel like you are capable of. You may start to see how you have focused on things in your life that weren’t really meaningful to you on a soul-level, and that you have been distracted from the things, people, and relationships that you are truly passionate about.

Part of my job as a spiritual counselor is to help you as my client to gain awareness of who and what you truly are as a unique soul. I help my clients to gain perspective on the paths that their soul has taken, and on the sometimes many different lives that they have lived within their life-time. I help you to recognize the natural patterns of your soul, and can teach you tools that will serve you throughout your life to build awareness, be more mindful, experience deeper intimacy, and build meaningful and longer-lasting relationships in your life. If this sounds like a process that you are ready to begin, then I would love to talk with you about how I can help you build a better relationship with your true self.

I am always available to you, win@winstonhampton.com.

Love & Light,


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