Energy Healing-Soul Mate

Energy Healing in Fort Collins, How to Find Your Soul Mate

Energy Healing-Soul MateAre you looking for your perfect match? Your ultimate lover, your soul mate?

So many people are. And yes, energy healing in Fort Collins can help you find your soul mate.

The work I do, Noetic Balancing energy healing, is a way for you to clear any spiritual blocks you have to the idea of being committed to another person. Many times, you have some wanton energy blocking your flow to receive the love you’re wishing for.

Because I am clearing your aura during the session you will be more open to the opportunities in your life for love. What if that special person is already in your life but you can’t “see” it because you’re distracted by the negative energy in your aura.

Now if you’re still carrying around hurts, resentments and negative energy from a past relationship this energy healing can help you release all of that. One of the primary foundations of Noetic Balancing is a strong forgiveness practice.

I am always here for you,


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