
Boulder Spiritual Counseling & Vulnerability

VulerabilityAs it is said, total vulnerability is the best protection. Being and doing are not incompatible. One cannot be made to love, rather we allow loving to make us. For we are not only made in the image of love, we are the very same substance of love.

Love is such a difficult concept for people to embrace. It feels allusive and full of risk. It feels outside of ourselves and connected to another.

We use the word for so many things including what we feel for our parents, children, friends and lovers. We even use the word to describe how we feel about a favorite movie or pair of jeans.

The truth is that we are love. It is the substance, the energy that we are made of.

It’s a reality that does allow vulnerability and sometimes we need Boulder spiritual counseling for us to be able to perceive what already is: that we are love, that we are made for loving and that we are an expression of God’s love.

I am always here for you,

Love & Light.


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