
Reiki vs. Noetic Balancing Energy Healing in Fort Collins

ReikiReiki has been a great introduction of energy healing in Fort Collins to the general public. Through Reiki’s popularity many people who might otherwise have not had access to energy healing modalities have been able to experiment with modalities beyond Western medicine.

There are many similarities between all energy healing practices and Reiki is certainly a legitimate practice that has helped many people.

What I see as the difference is in the power of Loving and the deeper spiritual connection to God that I’ve seen people achieve in Noetic Balancing energy healing.

Truly, the real difference between energy healing modalities is the practitioner. If you find a truly open and loving, nonjudgmental presence in your Reiki worker, then that modality will assist your healing process.

I practice Noetic Balancing Energy Healing so that I can be an open, loving, nonjudgmental presence for my clients. Contact me to see if we’re a good fit.

I am always here for you,

Love & Light.


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