Spiritual Counseling-Money Magnet

Spiritual Counseling in Fort Collins: How to Create a Money Magnet

Spiritual Counseling-Money MagnetWith spiritual counseling in Fort Collins you can create a Money Magnet. I know this is a trending word in marketing and advertising right now, and maybe it sounds like an impossible get-rich-quick scheme.

But, I’m telling you the truth: You really can create a Money Magnet.

My spiritual teacher John Roger taught this to me as he applied the principle of Law of Attraction, Like attracts Like.

Therefore Money attracts Money.

Make sense?

To start, you begin to collect money, slowly but surely, building your Money Magnet. Some people call this a savings account. But that is a different energy than compiling tangible cash money in a special place.

A Money Magnet attracts more money into your life. The more money you compile the stronger the magnetic force of the magnet.

We all know this on some level because we have cultural truths such as, “it takes money to make money.” This often makes people feel excluded from the special club who gets to make money. But, truly the poorest person can begin the spiritual practice of putting aside small amounts of money that eventually add up to larger and larger amounts of money.

I had one client do this and she amassed thousands of dollars on her money magnet within a year. Thousands of dollars. When she began doing it she didn’t even have enough money to meet her basic living expenses.

Try it and see what happens.

I am always here for you, win@winstonhampton.com.

Love & Light.


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