One Life Many Bodies

Energy Healing Colorado: One Life Many Bodies

One Life Many BodiesWe have a series of bodies that we live in. Different layers of our aura, spiritual and physical being, each having their own roles to play in our wellbeing as a human. Discover how your bodies can serve you.

First, of course, we have a physical body. We also have our astral body, mental body, etheric body and Soul.

Through energy healing I can help you align with all of your bodies. Often our growth comes in stages and we really work on one of these bodies as issues come up. These bodies link together, one affecting all, and are central to a singular one. Sometimes we get stuck in one of these bodies for several years as we work through some karma we’ve accumulated there.

Energy healing in Colorado can really help to clear your various bodies. Combined with spiritual life coaching it can help you move through your karma in a more seamless and effortless way.

I am always here for you,

Love & Light,

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