Energy Healing Fort Collins

Energy Healing Plus Fort Collins Spiritual Counseling

Energy Healing Fort CollinsI package my services as a Noetic Balancing energy healer and a Fort Collins spiritual counselor together because it’s a very effective way to experience permanent change.

I find that when someone tries to think their way into spiritual growth, or out of struggle and trauma, they get stuck in a circle of thinking. Egos tend to think a lot. And Egos protect the thoughts, beliefs and systems they have created. They protect them as they would a child.
Energy work moves in ways that bypass the ego. The ego does not go into protecting limiting beliefs because the non-judgmental practitioner is communicating with energy, not words or thoughts. This allows me to move energy without resistance: clearing thoughts, beliefs or feelings that are hindering you.

However, energy healing isn’t as effective without spiritual counseling either. Once your auric body is cleared of the thought, belief or negative energy it’s important to develop new habits and new thoughts. As someone with a masters degree in Counseling from Southwestern College and a Master of Spiritual Science from Peace Theological Seminary I can help your conscious self develop new habits and thoughts with intention rather than allowing you to default back to old ways. I can help you become aware of the perfection of your path, how your experiences serve you, how to uplift through thick or thin!

I am always here for you,

Love & Light,

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