Practicing the Art of Living Love

Winston Hampton

Spiritual Counseling. Noetic Balancing Energy Medicine. Poet and Author.


Transformation: is a change that stays changed

Spiritual Counseling

Spiritual Counseling is an aspect of  Noetic Field Therapy. Counseling through the loving heart. Transcend the mental or informational level and allow the intrinsic intelligence of spirit in loving to precipitate transformation. Spiritual Counseling follows the track of the Soul-line of deeper purpose rather than the goal-line of accomplishment on the physical level. Awaken to your deeper nature beyond the ego, to authentic caring, fulfillment and joy. From our authentic self we can move mountains in ease and grace.

Energy Healing

Noetic Balancing is an Energy Healing or Energy Medicine modality. Working in the aura or consciousness in cooperation with the purposefulness and intelligence of the Universal Noetic Field, the aura is cleared and smoothed. Blocks in consciousness; judgments, misperceptions and past trauma are resolved through Light action, awareness and self forgiveness.