Energy Healing-Jesus

Noetic Aura Balancing Energy Healing & Jesus

Energy Healing-JesusJesus is one of the most famous hands-on healers, though he is certainly not the only one. He regularly performed “miracle” healings, sometimes as a display of his spiritual power.

Jesus also told his apostles, “you will perform greater miracles than these.” He was showing us “how” to heal, not a great power that only he possessed, but how we can heal ourselves and others. The miracle wasn’t merely a miracle, it was a power that he knew could become commonplace if we could harness it.

Happily, hands-on healing is becoming more popular as people look outside of modern Western medicine and seek deeper forms of truth and love as a basis for healing.

Jesus was all about the loving. The power he used to perform his miracles was love.

That’s the power I use when doing a Noetic Aura Balancing Session, love. It is not me, nor my hands, that perform the miracles or the healing, it is the loving that I am able to channel from God to my client. It is the Loving that washes through me with a specific purpose and request.

That’s what worked when Jesus did it and it’s what works now.

I am always here for you,

Love & Light.


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